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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Second Half of The CNY Week

Sorry for updating this late. I'm totally forgotten about this. :P

Okay, second half of the CNY holiday week is okay lar. I don't have much expectation. Eat, Play, Gamble and Ang Paos. That's what I remember about this CNY.

Remember I said something about changing a new phone on my previous post? Well...... failed!
My aim for my next coming phone MUST have - Touch function, good camera, good processor and good operating system. And this is it:
SE x10 mini pro!
Why? Cheap la. RM600+ only with good processor and operating system. My dad agrees to let me go for it, but something complicated happened. But I still appreciate my current phone. :)

So my next target after SPM:>  Either, SE Xperia Arc, iPhone 3Gs/4, or HTC! xP

By the way, if you're looking for a new touch phone, but also wanna buy a PSP on the same time, then this is something you MUST have:>
SE Xperia PLAY!

It's not in the Malaysia market yet, but it's out in other country this month!

That's all for now. TTFN!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

FIrst Half of This CNY Week.

I'm back peeps!

I've been busy throughout my schooling days like homework, tuition, Koko, dance class and stuff and can't come out with something to blog about. Although my mind is a bit blur now, but I got something to share with you guys.

I had 2 LOU SHANG with my friends before chinese new year! 1 was with my recent classmates and the another was with my primary best pals! xD

I felt kindda strange Lou Shang with my friends first without my family before CNY.  It's the first time I lou shang with just only my friends.

Today is CNY's eve and I started to wear my very first new clothes that I bought since last december's sale! First shirt: my grey colour TOP MAN shirt! And I think I'm wearing red tomorrow. xD

Since last Sunday, I kept on thinking about something that excites me. Changing a new phone! Muahahaha! xD But I still not confirm whether can I change a new phone, not without my dad's approval. Until now, I felt that the percentage of my dad's approval is 50%. Haih... Wanna know which phone I'm aiming? I'll let you know when I get my hands on that phone. It's a cheap phone, but canggih! xD

That's all for now. Happy Chinese New Year everyone! Have a wonderful day and safe journey wherever you go!